We Are Builders Too
FCCI Surety division exceeds 2018 goals.
Picture of the FCCI Surety Team
The Surety team beat their 2018 plan by 11.4% and 2017’s already incredible year by 12.5%
FCCI’s Surety division officially hit the $20 million mark in direct written premium in 2018, with just a two percent loss ratio. The milestone is a major accomplishment in its own right, but it is more impressive in light of the fact that FCCI’s Surety division was a startup operation just eight years ago. Many of its current teammates left much more established companies to build this division. “These folks made sacrifices,” said Scott Paice, FCCI Vice President, Surety. “They took a big risk on us. In doing so, they made a name for FCCI and put the company squarely in the competitive mix as the 46th largest writer of surety in the country. It took many of our competitors over two or three decades to do what we have done. We are builders, just like our bonded contractors. I am most grateful to our Surety teammates for taking the chance on FCCI and for executing on a plan that not only has been met but has been exceeded.” Tracy Stoeckel, FCCI Senior Vice President, Specialty Markets, said, “FCCI is fortunate to have the resources and support to do this. We built the surety business upon many deep agent relationships and a strong company culture that was already in place. We could not have done it without the faith and trust of our good agency partners.” Stoeckel believes the road ahead will undoubtedly include change but, with the great team, she says FCCI Surety is ready for any challenges that may lie ahead.
Million Milestone
The FCCI Surety Team
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